Relationship Chart

Jun 28, 2030 14:39

Relationship Chart
Will update when new info comes. Tag this post with the character you want commented on, with the icon you'd prefer to be used.

System Is As Follows:

X - Dislike/Hate/Has never met/Neutral
♥ - Standard//Acquaintance/People you talk to
♥ ♥ - People considered as friends/Like to talk with
♥ ♥ ♥ - People considered as good friends/Like to talk with a lot
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - BFFs/Crush
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Family/Dating/Mutually like each other
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - In-love//Engaged/Married


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It's her fiance! Until Sailor Moon type people arrive, he is the one Makoto cares about most on the entire island. He's handsome, he's kind (occasionally), he can fight, and he cares about her as well. Yes, she wishes he could be less stupid, less shonen retard, but then he can point out the times she's been brash. Not entirely equals in strength and power, they are nearly equal when it comes to personality and mindset, which she likes. She is still worried about the whole Keiko thing, and the whole WE'RE FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS thing, but after living so long on the island, she's come to accept that nothing, not even worlds, will keep them apart. She loves him deeply with all of her heart, willing to accept his flaws (though will often try to fix them) and be his bride.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Usagi is one of Makoto's closest and dearest friends,and that should come as no surprise. She loves her strengths and weaknesses, her ups and downs, and would lay her life on the line for her princess. However, the one thing she is still peeved about is the whole NEW BOYFRIEND thing. Despite the passage time and lack of Tuxedo, she feels it's a betrayal not only to Mamoru, but to Chibi-Usa... how can she be born without Mamoru? With that, Makoto actually wants Usagi to break up with her boy, but keeps this feelings inside, for now. Because of this, it has created a small rift in their friendship, though she may never mention it. She still loves and adores her, but there is definite tension there.
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