
Jul 23, 2005 00:42

Disclaimer: The following content might not be very attractive.

So today a rash developed on my neck. A big red throbbing rash that stung and itched.


It was so annoying that I went to urgent care and asked a doctor to see what it was.

The doctor looked at it and poked it and thought it was interesting and allergy related maybe.

So she walked away and told a male nurse to give me a shot of benedryl... to the BUTT!

So I had my first known needle in my butt today. Not the best feeling.

I mean it hurt... my pride!

So like 10 minutes later the doctor asked how I was feeling and if the rash went away.

I said I felt the same.

She said hmmm ok well, here are a couple prescriptions.

One is steroid cream (Bewildered look along with a thought of shrinking genitals) and the other is an anti-itch pill (mircle invention?) and with that she practically shoved me out the door.

The ass shot of benedryl knocked me out.

Any Friday night plans are now out the window.


And I am lonely. The only people at my house are me and my dad. I love my dad, but he is going to be at school and work a lot so I will be mostly by my self.

What am I going to do?


Maybe I will visit Eric The Homie at UCLA!



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