OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!1111***~~~////~~~***
So, I was reading some chapter-by-chapter reactions to Breaking Dawn (the fourth book in S.Meyer's **~//~DAZZLING~//~** masterwork, The Twilight Saga I hope everyone knows me well enough not to take that seriously), as it seems it will be a while before I read BD unless I give in and place a hold on it. (I've been hoping it would come in while I was around so I could pull it off the book cart/shelf and check it out with no witnesses -- but, it keeps either going right back out or immediately gets more holds on it. Sigh.) I am doing it for the lulz, I swear. I'm what a certain site I stumbled upon would call an "LOLfan." I think the books (and movie) are terrible. They are also hilarious and I cannot stop.
Though I already knew a good bit about the, erm, plot (I hesitate to call it "plot" ...) of Breaking Dawn, there were still some things I didn't know.
There is a minor vampire character named Senna.
(This be srz bznz, yo.)
This has nothing to do with me materially, but I'm (needlessly, I suppose) bothered by the fact that the series I so love to hate has a character with the same name as my alias (which I should note, I've been using for close to 10 years).
Though, it's not like my alias is oh-so-unique. My source of it was a character in
Everworld, the series K.A. Applegate began work on while Animorphs was still publishing. (Actually, that Senna is a kind of ... well, let's just say that we are not much alike at all.) It's the name of a plant. It's a last name. It's also the first name of an apparently Mary-Sueish protagonist in one of the Bleach movies (another thing which bothers me).
But still. It's not exactly *common*, and so I can't help but wonder where S.Meyer dug it up :/ I really don't want anyone to think that Twilight is where I got my name from.
And I wanted to be a speshul snowflake like Bella!
... Or does this mean I'm even more speshul because I'm one of S.Meyer's vampires?
(Fun trivia! If you google "Senna," you won't find anything about me for many many pages. If you google "Senna vampire," my old pitas site is the fourth link -- or does google run its searches based on sites you've been and this is just how it appears for me? I dunno.)