Crazy Doll People

Sep 09, 2010 03:29

I am about to become one. >.<
I always kinda walked the line when it came to Ball Joint Dolls but I think I may have found the style/brand that may tip me over the edge towards really wanting one(many).
Pipos has these adorable anime dolls. One of the things I like about BJD is how customizable they are, and if i do the 'make up' aka face painting myself chage out features like the eyes and add wigs and cloths.. well

Heero Basic would make a good Calypso. She would need different eyes and a pretty drastic toning job, but This is the best Base I've found to match.

Charlotte would make a good Kila, again a new sey of eye would be required, but the color is not bad, i don't think I'd really need to touch it.

And the Dali for Alphonse. Again, it would need a pretty extensive toning job, but a challange I am worth undertaking.

Now.. to just come up with the $300 a piece for just the base dolls ;3;
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