Mar 13, 2008 18:01
I've had some weird head cold thing that's been really irritating for the past few days, but it seems to be clearing up, thankfully. I'm sick of the constant headache, it's driving me insane. But I did get a day off where I got to watch The X-Files and eat toast all day.
Hmmm, Torchwood. That was a pathetic episode, wasn't it? Jack used to blow his brains out every day for money with the carny folk. Interesting back story, right? But nothing, absolutely other than Ianto mentioning it. It just vanished. Ianto had so much potential in this episode. We could've learned more than the snarky man whose shagging Jack. But all we got in the end was vague hints and lots of angst!Ianto. I think GDL did a very good job of a piss poor script, so well done to him.
Also 'Jack: Ianto, with me. I need your local knowledge // Gwen: So that's what you're calling it these day' Bitter much, Gwen?
Throughout the whole episode, it felt like everybody within it knew exactly what was going on, but the audience never did. I got water, creepy carny people, last breaths, people coming from the rain and Ianto's incredibly sweet love for old cinema. The whole episode was just one big disappointment, really. RTD, never let P. J. Hammond near Torchwood again, pretty please.
In other news, I got fired from the paper round! I didn't go in yesterday, because I was dying (well, actually, that's a bit of a exaggeration, but I felt like I was dying), and I missed a day last week, so they told my friend Amy that I was finto. Fair enough, but you could actually ring me up and tell me. I am happy though, because I was truly knackered. Also, the lady who ran the shop was clinically insane. Nothing is worth seeing her huge staring eyes and crazy hair in the morning.
I've talked far too much and have way too much to do, so it's peace out for now.
tv: torchwood