Dec 15, 2005 03:26
Yessss. HHH is awesome.
I found out that I look funny when I talk. And that I should never be filmed doing anything...especially talking...
The Spanish room was so cold that we had to go to a different room.
I have a big (HUGE!!) history test tomorrow. I made myself a practice test and I am almost done taking it. 32 questions...I'm getting all of them right, I think.
Stupid slavery. If it wasn't for slavery I wouldn't be having this test at all. Of course, if something that important was changed I might not even be here! Maybe Native Americans would have been inslaved instead of Africans and my birth father's grandparent (who was Cherokee) would not have married a white person and had one of his parents, which would mean that neither he nor I would be born... WhooOOoo. Ha! And I still wouldn't be having this test tomorrow! In your face!
I just got all pensive on your asses.
I can't believe I just said that. I feel like such a loser.
American History (Honors 10!) rocks. We are the best class ever. The thing I hate is the WALL OF NOISE. The center of the room during graded discussions has four very noisy people who sit across from one another. Therefore Ms. C cannot HEAR ME TALK! That is the WALL OF NOISE! Annoying. I got a B-. That's okay though...'cause I'm gonna ace this test. Or, let's hope...
So, now I'm gonna finish studying and go to sleep early so I can wake up early and take a looong shower. Then I will go to school and **pretend** to pay attention during English. Then I will ROCK THE HISTORY TEST! MS. C WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT HER! That's right! I will make your head spin!
I'm gonna listen to RENT. RENT is delicious.
I like badminton.
I don't this person...she likes hot pink nail polish and Bobbi Brown's rules of beauty. Apparently black nail polish should be a federal offense. Whatever. She's dumb. And only 12 days older than me. Nah! I know I'm better than she is. That's all that matters.
Everyone in my ACT group is blonde. Except for Ms. B. She isn't blonde. I'm not really blonde. I'm "fake blondie."
I'm tired of being blonde. I'm going back to brown.
"I'M A LOSER, BABY, SO WHY DON'T YOU KILL ME?"- BECK, "LOSER" (Beck is awesome.)
being adopted,
camera shy,
slavery is bad :(,
i hate bobbi brown