Title : Chocolate stick Author : mosquitonest Pairing : Yamajima Rating : PG Genre : Fluff, crack A/N : long time haven't written fanfic and i lost my writing skills.hehe this fanfic is short. Hope you'll like it ^^
yes, he is naughty and pervert boy /shot by Yamada you're welcome ~ ^^ um, honestly i want to write the part when Yuto put the chocolate to Yamada's body, but i worry if it fails .haha but if you want i'll try to make a sequel of this. hehe thank you for reading and commenting ~ /hugs
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you're welcome ~ ^^
um, honestly i want to write the part when Yuto put the chocolate to Yamada's body, but i worry if it fails .haha but if you want i'll try to make a sequel of this. hehe
thank you for reading and commenting ~ /hugs
I love Your PP ^^ Mana chan so cute ~
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maybe this fic will be PG 15. because i'm pervert xp
but, be patient ne, because i was writing another fic.hehe
she is super kawaii ~ i love her too...^^
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eh ? NC-17 ? i can't write smut properly.hehe
beautiful rain ? i haven't watched it. i just watched Mana chan movie 'usagi drop'. ^^
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hai, ganbarimasu ~ ^^
when i check dramacrazy,beautiful rain was there.
let's watching mana chan ~ ^^
hope you'll like it ^^
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