There was much rejoicing yesterday as I sent off a hard copy of my completed thesis to my supervisor for final approval. All 279 pages of it.
It's hard to believe it's done!
Then, I got an email from her with a date for the defense. July 24 or 25. Eleven days after I get married. Yikes! July will be busy.
Now that the thesis is done I can concentrate on other things without guilt, like planning the wedding, writing some fanfiction, doing course prep for next year, writing that abortion article I promised I would, doing the distant ed review I promised I would have done last fall. Oy vey.
But I am taking this weekend off. No work, no worries. I actually SLEPT IN for the first time in over eight years and managed to get up just after 8:00. (Bless
kelmendi for feeding the cat!)
Now I am off to spend some guilt free hours playing Civilization IV. Taking over the world seems a bit anti-climatic after finishing the thesis, but it will have to do!