It is widely known that BitTorrent currently is one of the most popular P2P protocol. There are being lots of clients written, both opensource and proprietary, but very little amount of them have enough functionality for an above-average user and ability to run under Linux. Such functionality not only includes the ability to support all modern extensions to BitTorrent protocol, like DHT, trackerless torrents, encryption, etc., but also includes the usability factors like the ability to use and control BitTorrent software over a network connection, ability to run headless daemons and access them from several remote systems, flexible plugins/UI functionality etc., and to be written in pure fast C++ to be able to run on low-end systems, even without GUI. This project is aimed at this empty niche of BT clients.
BitTorment is intended to be the truly headless Linux BitTorrent daemon, that will be able to run on any Linux server user has user account at and control it via remote client over the network connection. This project will also feature several UI clients: truly CLI client (for telnet/ssh/slow sessions), ncurses, X, MS Windows, and maybe a web-based UI (planned for later).
The daemon will be written in C++ for real speed, the clients could be a mix of some other languages like python. Though, main ones, like CLI and X one will be in C++ also.
The connection protocol of the daemon/client connection will be well-specified and documented so that additional clients could be written for other platforms.
The daemon will support all modern BitTorrent protocol features like DHT, trackerless torrents, magnet links etc. It will also feature a plugin system, so that later other P2P protocols could be added to the daemon functionality, like eDonkey, etc. (planned for later)
BitTorment will serve opensource community as the ultimate solution for remote control over the P2P experience under Linux.
We welcome you to take part in the development of the BitTorrent client of the future!