Как разводят на деньги в глобальных компаниях - Sixt

Jul 18, 2013 20:15

Дорогие блогоприятели, помогите советом! Я в марте брал на прокат автомобиль в компании Sixt для того, чтобы доехать из Парижа до Мюнхена.

Сдал машину во-время. Никаких претензий при сдаче мне предъявлено не было.

Вдруг, через несколько месяцев я вижу, что с моей карты пытаются снять несколько сот евро (слава Богу денег на счету почти не было!), а потом получаю от компании письмо по обычной почте, где мне пытаются пришить какие-то повреждения нанесённые автомобилю.
Я ответил по электронке, что не понимаю о чём идёт речь. В ответ получил вот это:

I am in receipt of your message below.
Under our general terms and conditions of rental, upon handover, the vehicle is free from damages except for the damages marked with an asterisk. At the time of conclusion of the Rental Contract the Customer confirms to check the vehicle for any damage prior to the commencement of the rental and will report any damage not recorded to the pick up location or service hot line before leaving the branch. By signing the Rental Contract the Customer accepts the general terms and conditions of rental as part of the rental agreement.
Please be advised that in accordance with our general terms and conditions of rental, the Customer must return the rented car in its initial condition.
We also confirm you that in accordance with the provisions of the French Civil Code, the Customer and any Authorised Driver are liable for the loss and damage caused to the vehicle during the renting period (article 7).

The liability of the Customer or any Authorised Driver can, if desired, be restricted to the eventual deductibles if he subscribes to the optional guarantees. By subscribing to one of these optional guarantees at the time of conclusion of the rental Contract, the Customer accepts to pay a supplementary fee per day of renting and will be exempted from liability up to the amount of the non-redeemable deductible as stipulated in the Rental Contract for material damages suffered by the vehicle (article 7.2.2). According to your rental agreement, the excess amount at your charge is 1.200,00  Euros.
According to our information, further to your rental our agency stated a new damage on the car you hired, please find enclosed the photos of the damages. A damage report is sent out automatically, in order to obtain further information regarding the damage.
In the event of no declaration nor any other response from the Customer to our request, the Customer is invoiced the full amount of the damage costs.
The damage caused to the rented vehicle shall be irrevocably valued on the basis of a report drawn by an independent expert. The Customer is to compensate the Rental Company for the monetary equivalent of the damage caused to the rented car, up to the amount of the non-redeemable deductible as stipulated in the Rental Contract and conforming to our general terms and conditions of rental.
If you wish to have an independent report, you will have to arrange this yourself, based on the photographs of the damaged vehicle.
This will be at your own expense, and would have to be based on labour rates and costs from the location of the damaged vehicle.
Having all above in consideration, we confirm you that the damage invoice is fully justified and maintained. Please find enclosed all the documentation in relation to your file.
We kindly ask you to proceed to the settlement of the damage invoice in the shortest possible time.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
К письму приложили ещё фото с повреждениями. Утверждают, что это я сдал такую машину. Что с этими гадами теперь делать? И могут ли у меня быть дальнейшие проблемы с арендой авто в Европе?

Бездуховность, пирдуха, Блогоприятели

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