Mar 10, 2008 21:06
My rent is now 50 dollars more expensive (making it a 250 dollar/month increase in all). Man, it would really suck for us if we really only had 5 people like the lease says. The extra two are making life way cheaper.
Cleaned the house with Dean today, which was a lot of fun. Listened to Failure and drank wine and scrubbed the kitchen floor which, to our surprise, isn't actually beige. It's light grey.
Note to self: Clean every other corner of the house that you haven't already personally cleaned since you moved in. It's like the time I discovered that my toilet wasn't a rusted out piece of shit with a bunch of stain, but a nice, white, pristine piece of work that hadn't been cleaned in eons. Living with men. Oy.
Funeral for grandpa on Friday.
Floating is my new favourite thing at work, though on my second break out I went to re-wrap my hand and accidentally yanked the entire blister cover off of my burn. The first degree stuff is all just fine, a little sensitive, but whatever. The deep trench of second degree, which is located about where a plastic shopping bag's handle would have all of its weight were you to just hang it off of your hand with the thumb pointed upwards, hurts hurts hurts hurts.
Funny how it took a full week for it to hurt after the initial 24 hours.
No other real news. Life is going pretty well. I'm still pretty angry with Tom over the whole Kai thing, but that will pass. How can you stay mad at somebody who makes such intense things (i.e. work) playful?
Kiva: [holding out two fingers that have a dollop of whipped cream on them] I saved you this.
Tom: My this! [takes whipped cream and scrambles to shove it into his apron pocket]
Kiva: I saved you this, too. [holds out a lemon]
Tom: My other this! [repeat]
Me: Tom, I saved you this. [holds out a spoon]
Tom: My Lauren this!
Josh: [coming back off of break] How're things?
Tom: [scrabbling to yank things out of his apron pocket, among them a half piece of cornbread covered in whipped cream and cajun, a jalepeno from the étoufée, several butter packets, a spoon, and a used glove] Look at my this! And my other this!
Josh: Same as always, I see.
Okay, not nearly as mad at him as I was. I hate charming people. :P
Off to hang out with Mudge.