The Walls Are Closing In I Cant Escape

Sep 22, 2004 21:38

I push my fingers into my eyes
Its the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But its made of all the things i have to take....
... if the pain goes on, IM NOT GONNA MAKE IT

So today was a good day, school kicked ass man like i got my algebra test i got a 97 and then my music theory quiz i got a 115 and then my history was like im really impressed with ur work so far blah blah ect... but ne whoo... after school i went to kaites, and that was awsome <3<3<3, me her and mary just chilled and then went out and got me and tims and kaites <3 locobazooka tix, its gonna be so ill... altrite im bored... later

5 wOrds that describe yOur appearance::
[1]: black
[2]: "gothy"
[3]: maggot
[4]: bored
[5]: ugly

5 wOrds that describe yOur persOnality::
[1]: honest
[2]: loud
[3]: stupid
[4]: poop
[5]: angry

5 things yOu did last::
[1]: homework
[2]: saw katie
[3]: missed katie
[4]: wished i was in slipknot
[5]: scratched my ass

laSt 5 peOple yOu talked tO On the phOne::
[1]: kaite
[2]: dianerr
[3]: mary
[4]: tim
[5]: jenna

laSt 5 peOple yOu talked tO Online::
[1]: Tim
[2]: Dianerr
[3]: aaron
[4]: mike
[5]: audry

laSt 5 peOple yOu saw::
[1]: Katie
[2]: mary
[3]: dianerr
[4]: Horsemen
[5]: and like 1092381923 other poeple

5 oF yOur clOseSt girL friendS::
[1]: Katie
[2]: Dianerr
[3]: CV
[4]: Angela
[5]: Mary

5 oF yOur clOseSt guy friendS::
[1]: Roger
[2]: Eric
[3]: Tim
[4]: Scott
[5]: Aaron

5 Of yOur fave cOlOrS::
[1]: black
[2]: red
[3]: silver
[4]: black
[5]: black

5 Of yOur fave sOngs::
[1]: Surfacing
[2]: Wait and Bleed
[3]: Duality
[4]: Purity
[5]: nething slipknot

5 Of yOur fave bands::
[2]: stone sour
[3]: poisenblack
[4]: Nightwish
[5]: Cradle of Filth

5 Of yOur fave singers::
[1]: Corey Taylor
[2]: Corey Taylor
[3]: Corey Taylor
[4]: Taylor, Corey
[5]: Corey Taylor

5 Of yOur fave hObbieS::
[1]: Sleeping
[2]: Eating
[3]: Pooping
[4]: Katie
[5]: Being with my friends

laSt 5 pLaces yOu went::
[1]: downstairs
[2]: my room
[3]: katies hotel
[4]: tims house
[5]: mall

5 things yOu hate::
[1]: Myself
[2]: Pooping
[4]: Myself
[5]: People

5 things yOu love::
[1]: KATIE
[2]: Corey Taylor
[3]: the horsemen... u guys fuckin rock
[4]: dianerr, cv, becky, angela, mary ect... u kno who u all are and the rest of u mall rats
[5]: my guitar, Roxanne

5 peOple that make yOu laugh::
[1]: Katie
[2]: The horsemen
[3]: Dianerr
[4]: CV
[5]: most of the mall rat kids

laSt 5 peOple that made yOu cry::
[1]: ?

5 inSide jOkeS between yOu and yOur friendS::
[2]: Fire is so much to play with.
[3]: Ya... Ya... Ya Drunk
[4]: Dont be that guy man, Dont be that guy!
[5]: 1 ball man, 1 ball

5 Of yOur lucky numberS::
[1]: 666
[2]: ^^^ look at me im all cool and evil... fear me woooooooo!

5 Of yOur favOrite mOvieS::
[1]: School of Rock
[2]: Nightmare Before Xmas
[4]: Slipknot welcome to our neighboorhood
[5]: Nething that is like medevial, fantasy, or horror.

laSt 5 webSiteS yOu viSited::
[1]: livejournal
[2]: Johnnybutt
[3]: some computer site
[4]: Gmail
[5]: some dorky site, cuz im a big dork and loser

5 peOple in yOur family::
[1]: mom
[2]: dad
[3]: brother
[4]: Rabbit
[5]: my guitar

5 peOple On yOur buddyliSt that are Online::
[1]: Dianerr
[2]: Scott
[3]: Tim
[4]: Roger
[5]: Aaron

5 Of yOur favOrite gameS::
[1]: Counter Strike
[2]: Lord of the rings
[3]: GTA 3
[4]: GTA vice city
[5]: Mario

5 claSseS yOu have thiS semeSter::
[1]: Music Theory
[2]: Chem
[3]: algebra 2
[4]: SAT math
[5]: US history 2

5 thingS that make yOu cry::
[1]: Getting kicked in the balls
[2]: Diareah
[3]: And my life cuz everything is so evil and everyone is out to get me... look im an emo puss

5 thingS that make yOu feel goOd::
[1]: My friends
[2]: Katie
[3]: Music
[5]: My Guitar

5 wOrds/phraSes that yOu uSe toO often::
[1]: lol
[2]: word
[3]: blah
[4]: suck it
[5]: ima kill u

5 thingS that make yOu laugh::
[1]: dumb people
[2]: preps
[3]: ignorant people
[4]: smart asses
[5]: cows

5 Of yOur stregnthS::
[1]: Bored
[2]: Dependable
[3]: Opinionated
[4]: Honest

5 Of yOur weakneSseS::
[1]: I kinda suck at the whole life thing

laSt 5 bOys/girlS yOu liked::
[1]: Kaite <3<3<3<3<3

laSt 5 thingS said tO yOu::
[1]: Can i call u back?
[2]: I love you
[3]: dude i need to shit

5 of yOur fave foodS::
[1]: nething that is not chille

laSt 5 thingS yOu drank::
[1]: Water
[2]: Mountain dew
[3]: Mountain Dew
[4]: Fresca
[5]: DRUGS lol

5 cOmputer prOgramS that yOu uSe the mOSt::
[1]: AIM
[2]: Winamp
[3]: Internet Explorer
[4]: Spyware killer
[5]: Avast anti-virus

5 of yOur favOrite stOreS::
[1]: Hot topic
[2]: Newbury Comics
[3]: Strawberries
[4]: Any tattoo or peicing or music place
[5]: and i like abercrombie

5 peOple that yOu feel cOmfOrtable arOund::
[1]: Katie
[2]: Dianerr
[3]: Horsemen
[4]: Roger
[5]: Eric

laSt 5 thingS yOu bOught::
[1]: A drink
[2]: A locobazooka ticked
[3]: Food
[4]: More food
[5]: medicine

laSt 5 thingS yOu gOt yelled at fOr::
[1]: ummm sucking at life
[2]: having mood swings
[3]: Being loud
[4]: sucking at life again
[5]: being late for school

laSt 5 peOple that called yOu::
[1]: katie
[2]: dianerr
[3]: mary
[4]: tim
[5]: jenna

laSt 5 peOple that yOu called:::
[1]: katie
[2]: mom
[3]: dianerr
[4]: Mary
[5]: Tim

5 categOrieS on yOur buddyliSt::
[1]: Katie n Dianerr
[2]: Horsemen
[3]: Band/Music People
[4]: Mall Ratz
[5]: Dudes/Chicks
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