Lost as the season changes

Oct 26, 2004 22:33

Iunno, i am just lost in a sea of emotion, all i know is that what diana said today made me so happy, because it was so true.

"Kaite could come at you with a knife, and you would rather her kill you, then push her away in case she might fall and bruise her butt."

Iunno thats just is really true, i love her so much, and i want to make her the happyiest girl in the world, for she truly deserves it, she is so amazing, and words cannot descirbe what she means to me.

Thanx diana for not meaning to but helping me, and im here for you kid whenver you need me, i love you sis.

kaite i love you so much, im here whenever you need me and i will help you and be there with you for anything, absoulitly anything.
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