One of those memes, why are these thingys on your favorites list...something like that. And post me if you want to do it too, I'll pick seven and you repost them in your journal until everyone has done it... You understand the premise.
1.350 thread count sheets-What's not to love? I love sleeping, I love to sleep comfortably. One of my most favorite things in the world to do is to change the sheets on the bed (preferably to the 350 thread count, go shave my legs, and then curl up in bed with a book.
2.arthur ganson- Well yeah, the father of kinetic sculpture! he's actually much inspired by #3, all wires and balance. Aurthur was the first artist in residence at MIT, probably the last too.
3.calder- Alexander Calder, famous american mobile artist. Well, he made other stuff too. One of the chief objectives in sculpture is to defy gravity, he was very good at this.
4.gargling pudding- It's fun damn you. bosses-Hmm... I wrote that when I worked at DCS. But I do still love my bosses, mainly now because they're my in-laws.
6.tutenstien- It's a wonderful cartoon with a dry sense of humor.
7.zhang zi yi- Or Zi Yi Zhang, whatever. Her acting skill is much much better when she's speaking Mandarin Chinese, but still not so bad in Memoirs. Ok, she's hot when weilding a sword. I want to be like her when I grow up.