(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 15:53

Like I said, this weekend was going to suck without a doubt. And it did...

Mi madre found my cigs once again. She spazzed. Blah Blah. Smoking was a release for me a while back. But all it is is breathing techniques. Then of course she had to make me feel like shit. "Both of my parents just died and nobody cares. Couldn't you be a little more sympathetic? You have to do this in my most vulnerable stage. I have another child to take care of and I don't need you to badly influence him. You're on your own now since you think you know everything. I have nothing what to say to you anymore. You're no daughter of mine. You're your father's daughter..." That was just some of it. Anywho, my parents were recently seperated but got back together. My mother declares that it was only for the money. But since both of my grandparents are dead, she now has their inheritance and no longer needs to stay with my father. Basically, I'm going to live with my father and once we move out, she swears to never speak to either of us again. She disowned me once again. It's so hard to take all of this seriously when I've heard it before. But I want it to happen. I want to leave and start somewhere new. I'm done with this shit.

Derek thinks I'd be happier going out with Justin. He wants to end it because "we're completely opposite". Apparently, you need to date someone who dresses like you, wears the same clothes as you do, and listens to the same kind of music as you do. We've all heard 'opposites attract' before. So cliche. He's freaked out by the sadomasochism even though I've never pulled any of that stuff on him before. Who said older guys were more mature?? Proving a point here. To set things straight people, I AM NOT GOTHIC!! Go ahead and date a prep because everyone thinks it's the right thinng to do. I swore I wouldn't get attached. Why does everything get so fucked up?
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