I'm waiting for my brand new birthday laptop to set itself up, and my family is at Ikea. I didn't want to go because I don't want a stiff new modern art wannabe chair for my room, I want something poofy and comfy and ugly. Just trying to waste time so I don't get overly impatient pacing in my kitchen waiting for the laptop, who I have yet to name. Name suggestions would be nice, if you can think of anything sufficiently laptop-ish. So I'm going to play this game, even if nobody wants to play with me.
Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post your favorite line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING! And cheating is BAD!
01. "Like the seasons change, sending showers, beating flowers into the mud."
02. "Her life was magazines and faithful TV screens, selling an empty dream of cars and calories and everything in between the sun and Saturn's ring."
lonely_highway 03. "I'll take your words as if you were talking to me. Say what I know you'll say and say it through your teeth."
04. "I tore off my clothes, I danced on my shoes. I ripped my skin open and then I broke through."
05. "Been in love since you were 21, haven't laughed since January. You try and make up this is so much fun, but we know it to be quite contrary."
06. "You're the most, you're so rad, you're so fresh and I'm so bad. I am yours, you are mine, show me where and I will sign."
pocketfuzz 07. "We forget all our names and forget this itching trigger finger grip cause there's something dancing in my head to a song I can't forget."
08. "Now I know how Joan of Arc felt as the flames rose to her roman nose and her walkman started to melt."
countessmagpyr 09. "You never know just what you have until you get it yanked out of your chest."
10. "Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know, like how to deal with despair or someone breaking your heart."
11. "I've got bare feet touching bark right above you silently. I lower down my icy stare, you smell the air. I've got a samurai sword meant for you, polar bear."
12. "Bats grazing in the lighted sky above our houses. Lightening bugs rising higher and higher."
13. "And when they tell me love is pain I said it might be true for you honey, but not for Janis no more, no no no."
14. "I know I should be getting smart, but since we've been apart I can't even count as high as 99."
15. "And your mom would sink until she was no longer speaking, and dad would dream of all the different ways to die, each one a little more than he could dare to try."
countessmagpyr 16. "The girl hit hot like a barracude, she floated on air like a crest of a wave, she was a primal institution, she was a danger to herself, yeah."
17. "How I adore you Dory Previn. Turned you up to eleven for the band's ears to bleed."
18. "There is no such thing as whole. There is a hole in the world."
19. "Don't elaborate like that, you frighten off the frat boys. Use your baby talk. Frighten off, frighten on."
pocketfuzz 20. "I am also fed up with the fucking common cold! When I just want to feel alive for the first time in my life, I just want to feel attractive today."
littlelizzy042 There we go, my baby should be ready about now.