
Aug 24, 2008 18:21

I do know that the physical part of the nicotine addiction is past.

I know its up to me.

Im doing pretty good so far and hoping to keep the mental up and running at all times.

I keep my fingers busy ... even if its just doodles. The whole idle hands saying rings clear now.

Thank you all for the support and advice. So far so good!


Something yall most likely do not know is that my family has never seen me smoke. (My kids have but no one else) .... It isnt something that is acceptable in their home and never was. When I had siblings that smoked they were told to leave the house. or at least go for a ride, as my mother was too poor to ever think buying cigarettes was okay. She is very old school and set in her 75 y.o ways...

Ive always respected her home in that way, but also, I was ashamed to be a smoker. With my health and upbringing it just made me feel very foolish. Which I still do today.

I am with an online group of supporters. Its different I guess, but Im willing to give this time the best shot EVER! Ill keep on reaching out.
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