(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 10:08

1. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?
eat a lot of soup?

2. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
um, i'm not a very crazy person.  i like reason and planning.

3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
raffi and jesus music, i was kinda sheltered.

4. What is the best thing about your current job?
the people i work with... love 'em.

5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class?
i don't really care either way.

6. Are you against same sex marriage?

7. Have you been on a date in the past week?

8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
i think tahoe in december and vegas in february

9. Quote a song lyric, because I told you to!
"we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get."

10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
a desk and a chair.

12. Do you like your parents?
oh yes.

13. Do you still live with them?
not right now but i have a feeling i could be moving back next year.

14. What state/country are you from?

15. Tell us about the last conversation you had.
i was trying to figure out when to go to church this morning.

16. Where do you see yourself in one month?
stressing about finals and term projects.

17. What is your favorite smell?

19. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?

20. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
10:14 am and it's near freezing temperatures in my room.

21. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your coworkers?
no but i have wanted to.

22. Have you ever gone to therapy?
oh yeah.

23. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?
i think back in jr. high, maybe?

24. Have you ever Toilet papered someone's house?
no but the counselors TPed the CITs.  it was good.

25. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?

26. Have you ever gone camping?
yes, its not really my thing though.

27. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend?

28. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
yes, when i was 9 i was going on a walk with my family and then we stumbled upon the nude beach and my mom made us leave and she was so shocked.

29. Have you ever had sex on the beach?

30. Have you ever had a stalker?

31. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

32. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
yes, like every day.

33. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one?
i don't think so. usually sar and i stick together on this one.

34. Have you ever been cheated on?

35. Have you ever kissed one of your myspace friends?

36. Have you ever felt betrayed by your friends?
i guess but not lately.

37. Have you ever felt like you were just completely rhino raped?
no and i hate this question.

38. Have you ever lied to your parents?
unfortunately yes but i don't make a habit of it.

39. Have you ever been out of the US?

40. Have you ever thrown up from working out?

41. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
no i'm so busy for hats

42. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in 1 day?
no i think i would barf.

43. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didnt know what was going on?
yes, but usually its jsut the next morning thats hard for me.

44. Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on?

45. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers?

46. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
i guess.

What have you done... BE TRUTHFUL!

i told the truth... you should too...

1. smoked a cigarette - yes it was horrid.

2. smoked a cigar - no.

3. crashed a friend's car - i almost crashed sar's and my dad's. i suck at driving.

4. stolen a car - busy for cars.

5. been in love - nope.

6. been dumped - nope.

7. done a shot - yes.

8. been fired - no.

9. been in a fist fight - never have never will.

11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - sure.

12. been arrested - no.

13. kissed a stranger - no.

14. gone on a blind date - no.

15. lied to a friend - yes.

16. had a crush on a teacher- heck yes.

17. skipped school - all the time.

18. seen someone die - thankfully no.

19. been on a plane - yes.

20. thrown up in a bar - no way.

21. done hard drugs- nope.

22. miss someone right now - yes very much.

23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yeah.

24. made a snow angel - yes.

25. played dress up - of course.

26. cheated while playing a game - yes.

27. been lonely - sure.

28. fallen asleep at work/school - yes i fall asleep everytime i do the 2-7 am shirt

29. used a fake id - no.

30. felt an earthquake - once i did.

31. touched a snake - oh no no no, i hate snakes.

32. ran a red light - yes my first time driving by myself.

33. had detention - never.

34. been in a car accident - no but its almost certain that i will.

35. hated the way you look - sure

36. witnessed a crime - yes.

37. been lost - it seems like everytime i'm in the car with sar, we are lost.

38. been to the opposite side of the country - florida?

39. felt like dying - i say it but i don't mean it.

40. cried yourself to sleep - pretty much.

41. played cops and robbers - yes, with paul and phillip. good times

42. karaoke - i'm embarrassed

43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - all the time.

44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - yes.

45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yeah.

46. kissed in the rain - nah.

47. sang in the shower - i love to sing in the shower.

48. kissed in a park - no.

49. had a dream that you married someone - yes, i love those kinda dreams.

50. glued your hand to something - nope.

51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no.

52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - yes.

53. been a cheerleader - sadly, yes.

54. sat on a roof top - i don't think so.

55. talked on the phone all night - no i'm busy for long phone coonversations with most people.

56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - alone, yes.  but i love to watch them with ther people.

57. played chicken fight - busy for that game.

58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes, i hate y camp.

59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - no thanks.

60. broken a bone - my left wrist.

61. had a 3-some? - busy.

62. laugh so hard you cry - i thought i already answered this one?

63. mooned/flashed someone - no.

64. cheated on a test - maybe?

65. forgotten someone's name - yes.

66. been kicked out of your house - no i don't live at home anymore

67. blacked out from drinking - i don't know.

68. played a prank on someone - yes.

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