Jan 12, 2014 13:18
So, December has come and gone. I had a safe journey to and from Iowa, with a trip or two up to Minnesota to see hockey. It was such a blessing to have good weather for the times when I was driving, and wonderful to see my mom and dad.
Mom was so good about cooking for me while I was there. I think they were shocked by my appearance. I've lost right around 50 pounds since August. A journey for sure, but one I'm excited about.
Unfortunately, I've had to have oral surgery in the last week, so I've been not eating as well as I had been, but as soon as my mouth is good to go, I will be jumping back on the horse. I'm not watching fat or anything like that, just trying to keep myself right around the 1000 calorie threshold. I won't bore you with what I'm eating. lol!
I started back at my school this week. It's the same crap over and over again, but at least I know about it! I'm going to be getting paid really well for 4 hours a day, so again, I will try to remain positive. They've tried almost everyday to talk me into full time, but there is NO WAY I'm doing this!!!!! I'm going to get MYSELF well, and then I'll think about others. I've spent my entire life taking on everyone else's problems, at 51, it's now MY time.
New glasses tomorrow! YEAH!!!!!
I hope everyone is going well. If you're still around here, you're important to me!