LV&WC, sittin' in a tree.

May 05, 2010 00:01

I've said I'm done with Las Vegas before, but hopefully I'll hold myself to it this time. Las Vegas is quite like White Castle.

If I haven't been in a fairly long time, it can start to seem like a good idea. And sure, I enjoy the spectacle of it for the first hour or so after my arrival. But I begin to regret the decision very quickly - usually well before my departure, even. And then I spend several days - no joke - afterwards telling myself I'll never do it again.

Does this make me an old person? Probably. Slider-eatin'-contests are a game for younger dudes with stronger digestive tracts.

Anyway, hi again, LJ. The vast majority of my friend list doesn't really post anymore, so I don't feel too out of place posting just 2 or 3 times a year. Seems that Team Internet has basically agreed to move over to Facebook. I can admit that after a while, despite my best intentions, this journal basically turned into me screaming "validate me!" into an uncaring void, and now that I've got 2 or 3 friends who will click "like" on my FB statuses, my need for validation is mostly fulfilled.

Unless I want to make poop jokes. Those are reserved just for LJ folk. You're welcome!

comeback posts, delicious food, attacking the reader personally

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