
Jun 12, 2009 09:26

It was pretty hard to get a paying job this summer as a first-year law student, as you might imagine. Only like 5% of our class managed to snag one, and I'm sure not in that 5%. I'm not really complaining - taking a paying job would have most likely meant a summer alone in a studio apartment in Houston or Dallas, which would have been pretty lonely. The money would probably come in handy, but as the Beatles said, "you can't always get what you want". Regardless, it looks like if this whole in-state tuition thing pans out, we should be on track to get out of law school with zero debt, which would be mighty swell.

In the meantime, I'm working this summer as a judicial intern for the Court of Criminal Appeals here in Texas. This is the highest state court in Texas for criminal matters. It's kind of an interesting gig. I'm not really permitted to write about the details of some of the cases I've been working on, but I think it's probably safe to tell you that holy hell some people are seriously terrible. Also, crack makes people do really bad things in order to procure more crack. After one week of reading briefs and court records at this job, I've learned more about crack than I ever knew before. So, yay?

There are a few other things going on law-school wise, or at least that were going on like five months ago, but the only one I particularly feel like mentioning at the moment is that I was selected to be the choreographer for next year's edition of the law school musical. I am hell of graceful, people. Hell of graceful.

Also, I know it's by the Rolling Stones, I just wanted to make you angry.

drugs, music, attacking the reader personally, law school, job-related

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