Jul 26, 2005 22:09
Today I came upon something intruguing, and that being Neitzsche poetry(from the intro to The Gay Science);
And now one in German
Vademecum- Vadetecum
Es lokt dich meine Art und Sprach;
Du folgest mir, du gehst mir nach?
Ger nur dir selber treulich nach:-
So folgst du mir- gemach! gemach!
Translated poetry in english to stay with some sort of rhyme
Vademecum- Vadetecum
Lured by my style and tendency
you follow and come after me?
Follow your own self faithfully-
take time- and thus you follow me.
or as google would translate the german
Vademecum- Vadetecum
It lokt you my kind and spoke
You follow me, you follow to me?
Ger only you treulich after
Thus you follow me in accordance with oh! in accordance with oh!
oh silly google
.... oh yea, for those not wishing to delve into any sort of latin thought vademecum means a guidebook or literally 'go with me' and vadetecum means 'go with yourself'
........... i think thats it...... probably........ i saw a pony once..... it was like blue or something
until it was stabbed
.... in the throat.......
......... like twelve times............
i hate the easter bunny