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shapinglight March 15 2012, 13:26:05 UTC
I think the switch must have happened earlier myself, since the fairy in 5 told Buffy 'the slayer was a part of her but you're not a girl any more.' Everyone thought this was because of her being pregnant and therefore 'a woman' now, but no. It must have meant she's not a girl because she's a robot.


rahirah March 15 2012, 14:00:46 UTC
Which, if so, actually makes that line less icky, but begs the question of HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE YOU'RE A ROBOT?


shapinglight March 15 2012, 14:25:49 UTC
How can it not know what it is?

Shouldn't drag Bladerunner into this mess, but it fits, so :shrug:


boot_the_grime March 15 2012, 23:06:25 UTC
Well, actually, it doesn't, since Replicants aren't robots. They're flesh and blood, virtually indistinguishable from humans. There's no way that a mechanical robot can go for longer period of time without noticing it's made of metal and wires and that it doesn't actually pee or shit or have any of the bodily functions that humans do.


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 15:32:15 UTC
I wonder how often she needs to be recharged.


stormwreath March 15 2012, 15:38:36 UTC
I'm confused why this is even an issue. How do you know you're human? Can you prove to me, right now, that your right arm is made of flesh and blood and bone as opposed to metal and wires with a layer of synthetic skin over the top? Unless you go for an x-ray, (or get your own arm cut off) I don't think you'd know.

And even if there were clues - then you could simply be programmed to forget them.


rahirah March 15 2012, 16:02:13 UTC
I can't prove it to you, because you're an ocean away. I could be a sentient goldfish for all you know. But I would know pretty damn fast if I were not flesh and blood, because I bang myself up on a regular basis doing yardwork, and I, y'know, bleed. If I stopped bleeding, I would at least be a little curious. Buffy's slayer healing, strength and whatnot doesn't stop her from being injured. I'm pretty sure I would also notice if any number of annoying biological functions ceased to annoy.

Now, maybe RoboBuffy is capable of simulating eating and elimination and so forth. I can buy that, it's fantasy, though i would hope that they mention it at some point. But I can't buy that there are no clues - and if Buffy were programmed to forget them, why wouldn't she also have been programmed to 'see' her torn-off arm as blood and shattered bone?


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 16:27:10 UTC
I think we're supposed to suspence our disbelief here.


ladypeyton March 16 2012, 17:12:17 UTC
Well, for one I wouldn't have had a massive allergic reaction to the 2 loons who came into my office wearing toxic amounts of perfume this morning...

Come to think of it, times like these I *WISH* I had a robot body.


shipperx March 15 2012, 18:22:27 UTC
begs the question of HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE YOU'RE A ROBOT?

Heh. I think that question is going to pop up a lot in fandom.


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 15:31:17 UTC
The fairy said so many cryptic lines. It reminds me Robyn-the-reality-stabilizer in "Anywhere But Here". People still wonder where's the prince she mentioned.


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