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moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 14:45:55 UTC
Oh, I agree about comics. I hope there will be fanfics about Buffy's adventures in space!


ashes1753 March 15 2012, 12:30:43 UTC
haven't started season 9 yet, but i'm not worried about spoilers. LOL

Buffy's children cannot be Melaka or her twin brother, not because she had an older sister, but because the events of 'BtVS' happened almost 2 century's earlier then the events of 'Fray: Future Slayer" :)


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 14:53:56 UTC
haven't started season 9 yet, but i'm not worried about spoilers. LOL

I think it's a lesson all Buffy fans have learned: we should be prepared!

Buffy's children cannot be Melaka or her twin brother, not because she had an older sister, but because the events of 'BtVS' happened almost 2 century's earlier then the events of 'Fray: Future Slayer" :)

Buffy traveled there is season 8 and that arc basically ended with a big question mark. That story isn't finished. It would be neat if Buffy's babies were stolen and sent to Frayverse to avoid the return of magic. And the easiest way to do it is when she has no control of her body.

It was mentioned in "Fray" that magic has started to seep back into the world a while ago. Joss could always retcon it: magic started to seep back as soon as Melaca and Harth appeared there.

I don't insist that I'm right - I just think it could be a neat wrap up of the verse.


kerry_220 March 15 2012, 12:31:15 UTC
Add Australians to your mentality list, Elena. I find it mystifying that laws some forty years old are being treated like something that just happened.

I enjoyed the issue. I find the developments amusing and intriguing


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 15:26:15 UTC
Yay! Another person who enjoys season 9! *waves*


shapinglight March 15 2012, 13:26:05 UTC
I think the switch must have happened earlier myself, since the fairy in 5 told Buffy 'the slayer was a part of her but you're not a girl any more.' Everyone thought this was because of her being pregnant and therefore 'a woman' now, but no. It must have meant she's not a girl because she's a robot.


rahirah March 15 2012, 14:00:46 UTC
Which, if so, actually makes that line less icky, but begs the question of HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE YOU'RE A ROBOT?


shapinglight March 15 2012, 14:25:49 UTC
How can it not know what it is?

Shouldn't drag Bladerunner into this mess, but it fits, so :shrug:


boot_the_grime March 15 2012, 23:06:25 UTC
Well, actually, it doesn't, since Replicants aren't robots. They're flesh and blood, virtually indistinguishable from humans. There's no way that a mechanical robot can go for longer period of time without noticing it's made of metal and wires and that it doesn't actually pee or shit or have any of the bodily functions that humans do.


ceciliaj March 15 2012, 16:47:14 UTC
Very interesting thoughts! Especially about Dowling. For some reason, my mind just goes blank when he's talking. But I'll be interested if he's gay :).


moscow_watcher March 15 2012, 17:30:10 UTC
So far, Dowling was so by-the-numbers that I thought he existed only to move the plot along and provide exposition. But if he turns out to be gay, it could be a very interesting character arc.


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