Buffy #6 review

Feb 09, 2012 19:10

In a nutshell:
Very good issue. Really inspired art, especially in the last scene. All the emotional nuances are written on the characters' faces.
Great dialogue. "We don't all have spaceships!" - hysterical!
Interesting, controversial content. I don't want to assess the story before reading it whole - but, so far, it's fascinating.
the devil is in details (spoilers) )

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beloved_77 February 9 2012, 17:34:21 UTC
he has a reflection in the water on these panels

Ooo, good observation. I didn't notice that. Sometimes, on the show, you would catch a glimpse of a reflection in a mirror or a window, but you can chalk that up to it not being easy to get rid of them. But this is a comic book, which is drawn. The reflections would have to be there purposefully.

Joss has to keep his damn shipper status quo

Yes, god (i.e. Joss) forbid anybody's relationship should have any high points. :rolls eyes:


moscow_watcher February 9 2012, 18:01:20 UTC
The reflections would have to be there purposefully.

And - the ball in the water. A symbol of childhood. Buffy, Spike and ball have the same type of reflection.

(Or maybe I think too much :))))


enzialla February 9 2012, 20:26:30 UTC
Why a ball is a symbol of childhood?


moscow_watcher February 9 2012, 20:48:48 UTC
It just feels that way to me. I can't explain it rationally. Maybe I'm misinterpreting the visuals, I don't know.


enzialla February 9 2012, 21:57:32 UTC
Yeah, just read Jeanty's reply in BFs, that was his bad.

@KabaLounge May I ask a question about Buffy#6? Was Spike's reflection in the water on the last page mentioned in the script?

@MoscowWatcher spikes reflection or assumtion of such was totally my bad. I was gettin' all artsy when I should have been paying attention.

Is there someone actually editing the comics in DH? Maybe there is a job position opened?


beloved_77 February 10 2012, 01:33:30 UTC
Is there someone actually editing the comics in DH?

Ha! Excellent question. Will all the inconsistencies and mistakes, I don't think anybody is dotting I's and crossing T's over there. :-P


moscow_watcher February 10 2012, 10:05:41 UTC
Yes, I saw it. Bye-bye, my dreams of manpire!Spike. I started seriously pondering on the possibility of Joss following the Parliament of Monsters route (Spike is half-man, half-vampire)...


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