BUFFY #5 - spoilery specs

Jan 12, 2012 16:31

"I imagine this issue of Buffy will leave fans talking, and some of it is gonna be unhappy..." (Scott Allie in the lettercol). Boy, was he right. "Some of it" was so unhappy that Whedonesque issued a new rule: people who don't like comics are not allowed to post in comics threads. "Post again and you're banned from this site forever. All this at Read more... )

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kerry_220 January 12 2012, 23:27:59 UTC
I'm just wandering about another option. What with there being no indicators of pregnancy until Buffy woke from the dream, is there some significance to the 'stomach punch' she 'felt'. What was the significance of the 'You're not the slayer' and the key reference and turning Xander and Dawn into zompires?

Is it too left field to think (maybe HOPE) that the pregnancy has nothing to do with drunken mystery dads but something related to the dream and the faery?


moscow_watcher January 13 2012, 08:33:11 UTC
I used to think that fairy could impregnate Buffy with her fairy dust. But, judging by the dialogue in #5, fairy has nothing to do with it. She says "I discovered something you need to know" - and, to me, it sounds like Buffy's pregnancy was a surprise for fairy, too.

After the breaking of the Seed Joss can change any rule and explain that it happens because there is no Seed. Vampires could become fertile, because there is no Seed. Maybe it's immaculate conception that will produce a magical child.


enzialla January 14 2012, 19:46:30 UTC
There is still one panel from #1 unexplained. The one with Spike closing the window, and remember Allie's reply on a question based on the comment. "Has he seen something strange?" So what Spike saw exactly?

Don't rule out yet the fairy..


moscow_watcher January 14 2012, 21:34:34 UTC
I think it was Tink. Will it play a role later? Most likely. Maybe Tink was the only sober person at the party and she could see Buffy having sex with Heinrich or somebody else.

Or maybe she has somehow influenced Buffy's mind - played the role of the poisoned drink, if we continue VM parallels.


enzialla January 14 2012, 22:14:18 UTC
If we continue the parallels, then Buffy had sex with 2 guys. She will think the baby is somebody's, only to find out that it's not but it's someone else's. And since Scott himself mentioned Veronica in the Q&A, I think the parallels will continue.

And Buffy will get a job at the police, just like Veronica made it to the FBI.


moscow_watcher January 14 2012, 22:38:45 UTC
I hope there will be a twist. And I hope that doesn't involve Buffy sleeping with two guys. For example, a revelation that her amnesia was artificially induced. By Tink. Or by Heinrich.

We'll see.


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