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Comments 143

elisi December 5 2010, 15:34:19 UTC
This is a lovely review. I wish I could see what you do. But I can't... :(


moscow_watcher December 5 2010, 15:45:10 UTC
Thank you, honey. I think it's okey to agree to disagree here. *smoochies*


elisi December 5 2010, 20:24:15 UTC
You know, I think the difference is that you trust the writers still. I don't, and haven't for a long time.


(The comment has been removed)

moscow_watcher December 5 2010, 15:57:16 UTC
Thank you!

Vampmogs is going to write an essay about Buffy's journey, that's gonna be interesting.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm looking forward to it.

Buffy is put in a completely new and different situation in S8, it was her biggest challenge ever.

Yes, and I'm curious if Joss plans to up the ante in season 9 or he plans to make it less epic, kind of what season 6 was to season 5.


rahirah December 5 2010, 15:39:30 UTC
My take is that Joss deconstructs the Angel he isn't interested in to build the Angel he wants to explore. Angel the mission's boyfriend is no more. Angel the flawed, tragic, existential hero has risen.


Angel of AtS was a flawed, tragic, existential hero. That's the one Joss doesn't seem to understand. Joss forced the character back into the role of mission's boyfriend-cum-villain (and Buffy back into the role of Angel's girlfriend-cum-victim) for the comics.


elisi December 5 2010, 15:54:19 UTC
Angel of AtS was a flawed, tragic, existential hero.
That's what I was going to say... Twangel is just a moron. (I have a lovely plot bunny for your ficathon btw. Probably quite short, but nice and plump. *g*) Anyway, it confirms my impression that none of the writers have ever seen AtS.


sueworld2003 December 5 2010, 15:57:54 UTC
"Angel of AtS was a flawed, tragic, existential hero. That's the one Joss doesn't seem to understand. Joss forced the character back into the role of mission's boyfriend-cum-villain (and Buffy back into the role of Angel's girlfriend-cum-victim) for the comics."

I agree., If nothing else these poorly written comics serve to bang home just how much Whedon has forgotten about his character and his emotional journey in AtS and how readilly he is to regress him just to fit his being nothing more then a cipher for Buffy's storyline.

So sad when you come to think about.


moscow_watcher December 5 2010, 16:04:30 UTC
On AtS Angel was slowly incorporating his inner Angelus - but he never accepted his responsibility for Angelus' actions.

I think that Joss's plan for Twilight arc was make Angel realize that he always *is* that other guy he usually blames.

"No, there'll be no Twilight". Angel says in #38. "Father, there already is," Kitty replies. "It's you".

From here the new Angel starts.


sueworld2003 December 5 2010, 15:59:43 UTC
Nice overview, but I'm afraid I just don't see it your way sadly. The whole thing just leaves me cold/disappointed.


moscow_watcher December 5 2010, 16:08:56 UTC
Sue, I know that you're one of the harshest critics of season 8, so I won't try to convert you. I'd better spend my time manipping our little Spikey for noel_of_spike celebration! :)


sueworld2003 December 5 2010, 16:20:53 UTC
Oh excellent! I shall look forward to that. :D


infinitewhale December 5 2010, 16:58:24 UTC
Plot - Buffy breaks the Seed because that's what Giles was going to do. As far as I remember no one told Giles breaking it would fix anything either, but Aluwyn said he'd figure it out. At least he was capable of Gilesian thinking at the end ( ... )


infinitewhale December 5 2010, 17:10:14 UTC

*Also the bit with Amy stabbing Buffy in the heart and it being protected by a spell causing it to break the dagger sort of mirrors Buffy breaking the heart (seed) with a not-so-crappy dagger and it all floods in right then.

I've got the can't-type bug this morning.

Also, though I'm sure it's coincidental, we're misled to think Xander will give the first kiss of true love, too. It turns out to be someone unexpected, a slayer who's name means slayer, Satsu. ;)


moscow_watcher December 5 2010, 18:08:25 UTC
Also, though I'm sure it's coincidental, we're misled to think Xander will give the first kiss of true love, too. It turns out to be someone unexpected, a slayer who's name means slayer, Satsu. ;)

I agree, that mislead was strange and unexpected. The first sign that it's not the BtVS we all got used to.

Actually, I thought there will be a flashback explaining that Angel planned to to arrive and give the kiss - but Willow foiled his plans by detecting Satsu's feelings.


infinitewhale December 5 2010, 18:10:58 UTC

I don't remember. :|


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