No Rest for the Wicked... :)

Feb 02, 2010 17:32

I've got several nominations at wicked_awards. Two icons, two manips and an essay on Spuffy fanfiction I'm very proud of.

I'm very thankful to the wonderful person(s) who nominated me. Interestingly, the manips and the essay are pretty old - they were posted back in 2006-2007.
Now - confession time. When I looked again on my old Dru manip, I realised that I'd love to re-edit it. Several months ago I was in Prague and made photos of the famous "Dancing Building" at night. Now it occurred to me that it would look great on my Dru manip. I started playing with the composition and felt the manip needed a different color scheme... Long story short, the final result is very different, although it's the same character and the same theme.

Now I wonder if it's cheating. Not that I count on winning against sentine (whose talent and inventiveness are boundless). But I wouldn't re-edit the manip if it wasn't nommed, because I completely forgotten about its existence. So, I don't know. Anyway, I will vote for sentine's The Initiative. Because her manip utterly and completely rocks.


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