Black Magic White Lies, chapter 18

Sep 28, 2009 10:41

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 18 - In Which "The" Lie Is Finally Set At Rest
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Alternate BtVS season 5. Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a ( Read more... )

bmwl, fanfic

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skarman September 28 2009, 16:41:24 UTC
It's one thing to send soldiers into a hopeless battle, holding off the enemy, knowing that they'll all die, but that their sacrifice means you'll be able to save a lot more people, then it is to calmly kill an innocent because in doing so, you're saving the world.

The former signed up for the job. The latter? Not so much. Anybody who chooses to kill an innocent, with the excuse that it's to save the world, is already corrupting themselves.

Buffy even entertaining this idea here, is in line with canon of the show. After all, Oh, Spike is back and he killed a bunch of people with his soul/chip, let's take him home. But oh, look, Anya is a Vengeance Demon again. Let's just slash her open with a sword. There's a term for that and it starts with an H, uses a term from Star Trek (Hypo)and ends with critical.

In these last few chapters, I've absolutely no sympathy for her or her motives. Instead of doing what a Slayer is supposed to do, namely protect the innocent, she's going for kill the innocent. Yes, the world is at stake. No, we'll just go the easy way, because, hey, you guys pulled me out of heaven and it's hard being here and nobody but Spike understands me blah blah blah.

I have to give you kudos for portraying Buffy perfectly as she was during the sixth and latter half of the seventh season. A portrayal that totally destroyed the show and characters for me.

Please understand, I love this story and will continue to follow it till the end. Like I said, the characters ring true to their canon counterparts and so do their actions.


moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 17:01:27 UTC
The former signed up for the job

Only in a professional army. (Just saying...)

Anybody who chooses to kill an innocent, with the excuse that it's to save the world, is already corrupting themselves.

Okay, but the other option is still worse, isn't it?

The way I see it, the difference between Buffy and other members of Scooby gang is that she has already experienced a similar situation when she had sent Angel to hell. After that incident she knows that sometimes you can only choose the lesser of two evils. This is the Buffy I love. The Buffy that sometimes horrifies me. The Buffy who, for me, is the ultimate tragic hero.

It's so strange that you have such a different perception of Buffy and you still like the story written by somebody who loves Buffy. Hopefully the ending won't disappoint you.


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