Black Magic White Lies, chapter 5

Jun 29, 2009 10:17

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 5 - Under Suspicion: A Whodunit Intermezzo
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a part of a big fat conspiracy.
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bmwl, fanfic

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Comments 30

nothorse June 29 2009, 06:46:14 UTC
Intriguing. And a lot of questions asked.

Will we get some answers next week?

I'm going to tune in. :)


moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 07:03:03 UTC
Will we get some answers next week?

You definitely will... some answers and more questions.

(BTW, I noticed that I make a mistake and posted the description of the wrong next chapter. I fixed my mistake - hope I didn't confuse you.)

I'm going to tune in. :)

Thank you!


This is your friendly neighbourhood beta... deird1 June 29 2009, 06:54:17 UTC
Found something that needs changing, hon:

"Suppose you're right: but why they have sent demons? Why they had been waiting until now?"

should be
"Suppose you're right: but why have they sent demons? Why have they been waiting until now?"


Re: This is your friendly neighbourhood beta... moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 06:59:02 UTC

Thank you so much!

(I'm sorry for creating so many problems to you because of my horrible grammar)


brunettepet June 29 2009, 12:43:51 UTC
Xander is right to be paranoid, even if he's looking in the wrong direction. Willow's support was a welcome surprise, but it's in character. First and foremost, she loves Xander. She can distrust Faith as much as she wants.


moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 13:02:21 UTC
Thank you!

Me and my beta lusciousxander discussed a lot Willow's possible reaction, her behavior, her heartbreak. I think she could accept it because Tara's love gave her confidence and strength. Of course, she's stunned - but she's always been fiercely loyal to Xander. (And her loyalty will be tested in this story... again and again...)


mulder200 June 29 2009, 16:18:18 UTC
Oh my! Things are starting to get really complicated here but at least Willow is on Xander's side even if she can't stand Faith. That's the sign of a true friend.


moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 16:34:33 UTC
Thank you!

Yes, Willow is on Xander's side, no matter what. And Xander badly needs a friend who will support him in this mess. :)


angearia June 29 2009, 18:32:26 UTC
It's funny, but as I'm reading this I can't help but feel the most sympathy for the characters not in play here. For Giles, who was doing his job as a Watcher in keeping news about Faith a secret at first. Giles had no reason to think Xander should know anything. For Buffy, who's at her mother's side while she's in the hospital.

I kinda want to shake Xander for all this scheming going on.


moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 18:52:10 UTC
Thank you - interesting observation. When I was just starting the story, I wanted to deal with my season 6 Xander issues, so I decided to put him in Buffy's and Spike's shoes at the same time. On one hand, he has a dirty secret, he has slept with a person who tried to kill them; at the other hand, he tries to save a woman who doesn't want to be saved. He definitely makes a lot of mistakes - like Buffy and Spike did.

Giles... you know, I adore Giles and I always feel for him when he has to deal with Scoobies and with computers - and here he has to deal with both! :)

And Buffy is in an unusual situation now: Joyce's illness forced her to re-think her priorities. The things that she considered very important, now may look small and insignificant...


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