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Comments 44

xc_runner50 February 8 2009, 11:05:17 UTC
Evil Kittens are just bad news...is it me or did Season 8 issue 22 out due the rest of the bad issue? Cuz I'm not liking this Issue at all, just terrible.


moscow_watcher February 8 2009, 11:56:06 UTC
Thank God it's not only me who finds the issue bad. :)


shapinglight February 8 2009, 12:03:38 UTC
Great review, Moscow - and I'd completely forgotten about the controversy over DeKnight and the death of Tara. As I recall, he went on the Kitten board and managed to insult a bunch of already very upset people.

Maybe this story is his way of saying sorry?

I find dubious the idea of demonic possession manifested in the desire to wear national clothes and have children

Yes, that's very odd.

Also, like you, I'm glad Allie's clarified that we are in fact supposed to find Buffy's behaviour 'off' and worrying. It doesn't say much for my trust in Joss etc, that I ever wondered if we were in fact supposed to think her perfectly justified in everything she did, but I did.


moscow_watcher February 8 2009, 12:14:57 UTC
The big question is if Buffy's actions will have *real* consequences or the story will end up in a feel-good epiphany: "Hey, I realised that it's wrong to rob banks and steal submarines" and that will be it.


aycheb February 8 2009, 12:08:45 UTC
The green monster is Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street.

It’s kind of ironic the way so many of the complaints of heavy handedness in DeKnight’s depiction of misogynist homophobic monsters come from the same fandom that has been pitying the poor Slayers for having no men in their lives, castigating Buffy for being more focused on saving the world than going back home to attend to her baby sister and are adamant that misogyny is no part of Twilight’s agenda despite his explicitly gendered belittling of Buffy (just like a girl) and his acolytes’ constant reference to Slayers as if they were some kind of animal. They spawn (Voll), they’re ‘fillies’ (Roden) Buffy’s that bitch (the army woman) and that’s without even mentioning Warren’s opinions on the matter.


moscow_watcher February 8 2009, 12:51:30 UTC
The green monster is Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street.

Thank you! Sometimes my cluelessness in regard of popular culture is embarassing! :)

As to the rest of your comment, no, I don't find it ironic and I don't think that DeKnight was referencing fandom's attitude by The Swell's misogyny - if that's what you imply. AFAIK, DeKnight didn't inderact with fans after the Kittens fiasco - and rightly so.


aycheb February 8 2009, 13:19:37 UTC
In which case he probably isn't winking at the fandom by referencing the Kitten wars. I didn't mean that DeKnight was deliberately parodying fandom attitudes. Fans are people and as subject to the influences of institutional sexism as anyone else. These Kitty monsters are just showing us their ids. It's funny AND disturbing and that's no bad thing.


sueworld2003 February 8 2009, 14:46:13 UTC
"Fans are people and as subject to the influences of institutional sexism as anyone else."

Gotta say I haven't seen many fans shouting "I'll eat ya ovaries" at each other though. Well so far at least. *g*


stormwreath February 8 2009, 12:35:55 UTC
Thought-provoking review. ;-)

I read a suggestion that ludicrous dialogues are parodying anime subtitles. Maybe. Maybe not.

Have you seen the Dark Horse webcomic that accompanies this issue, also written by DeKnight?

"You are giantly rotund!" "And ill-smelling!" "Please remove your offensive presence!"

I don't know how obvous it would be to someone who doesn't have English as their first language but trust me: the dialogue is definitely a parody of badly-subtitled anime. The excessive violence, giant monsters, etc are also stereotypical ( ... )


moscow_watcher February 8 2009, 13:22:20 UTC
Have you seen the Dark Horse webcomic that accompanies this issue, also written by DeKnight?

Yes, I saw it but shrugged it off as a joke.

I don't know how obvous it would be to someone who doesn't have English as their first language but trust me: the dialogue is definitely a parody of badly-subtitled anime.

The dialogue sounded very weird to my foreign ears (or, rather, eyes) but, to me, the whole story was extremely baffling.

The whole issue, to me, is similar; it's gloriously over-the-top, cartoony parody.

Maybe fans who have some manga experience enjoy the parody on its stereotypes. I get that manga and anime are very popular today - some of my friends, former BtVS fans, switched to anime and mangas. But I couldn't get into it.

The excessive violence, giant monsters, etc are also stereotypical.Obviously I read the cultural ( ... )


curiouswolf35 February 8 2009, 12:54:51 UTC
Right now, I have a very dirty mind but I think I can solve the mystery of what the vampy cats really are. They're sperm or representations of sperm. That's why they're so obsessed with ovaries and when they possess women they make them think about having babies. I think it's just a dirty joke perpetrated on the Salchio Corporation, the Slayers, and Larry King Alive by Kumiko Ishiara with the help of Saga Vasuki *smirk*. Twilight just rolled his eyes and exploited the submarine stealing and piracy to make a blow against Slayers in the P.R. war. I agree not one of Deknight's best efforts.


moscow_watcher February 8 2009, 13:27:52 UTC
They're sperm or representations of sperm.

*Chokes with laugh*

I think it's just a dirty joke perpetrated on the Salchio Corporation, the Slayers, and Larry King Alive by Kumiko Ishiara with the help of Saga Vasuki *smirk*.

Yay Kumiko! *starts dreaming about Harmony/Kumiko/Saga Vasuki threesome pr0n*


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