Fic: Armor (Mass Effect, Tali/FemShep)

Dec 04, 2012 15:49

Femslash '12 fics are up! Well, except for two slow pinch hits. We're working on that.

I wrote two fics this year, as usual. This is my first: Mass Effect for sheeana, which gave me the excuse to obsess over the details of one of the most densely worldbuilt fandoms I've ever written in. And to write Tali, who is my favorite.

Title: Armor
Fandom: Mass ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

athenejen December 5 2012, 17:09:38 UTC
This is quite lovely and fascinating. I really like your Tali characterization, filled with so many details that show so clearly the concrete effect her quarian nature has on her entire mindset. Very cool.


mosca December 14 2012, 00:15:19 UTC
Thank you! It was really fun to write Tali.


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