Jun 04, 2011 01:01

Why is it that I start posting more after I announce that I'm on hiatus?

1. Last night, I went to a midnight showing of X-Men First Class, because I have been a very good girl who deserved to do something ridiculous and fannish.

...Boy, was that gay. I mean, not just the flagrant "don't ask, don't tell" scene where Xavier outs Beast, which has been making the rounds for a while now. They weren't even trying to pretend Xavier/Magneto was some kind of chaste bromance. Not even trying. It was adorable.

Although honestly, I am shipping Magneto/Mystique in this universe only, because a) one of the big problems with/delights of this movie is that it put me on Team Magneto and forgot to transfer me to Team X-Men at the end; and b) the visual combination of Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence is how I know I'm still bisexual. Holy hot damn, what a pretty cast.

The film failed at being set in the '60s, though. Instead, it seemed to be set at a '60s-themed Halloween party. Had the set designers never seen a James Bond movie? Had the screenwriters never watched, well, footage of anyone from the early '60s speaking? It wasn't off in a strategic, self-referential, Mad Men way; it was just crappily off.

Also, they killed the black guy in the third act. I didn't realize they were still allowed to do that.

But it was pretty, and there were explosions, and Banshee was the preshest little lost Weasley cousin ever, and there is definitely a place in this world for stupid, fun movies like this one.

2. Dear season 7 of DS9, why is Rom acting like Rose from Golden Girls? Stop distracting me with Kevin Rahm. I demand answers.

3. Dear season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, please stop constantly reminding me that I am turning into Giles. Yes, there are worse fates, but this is scarier than vampires.

4. The summer figure skating carnage has begun in earnest. Chock & Zuerlein and Crone & Poirier splitting? Is it "dump your gays" week? (Did I say that out loud?) Sure, neither team had chemistry to speak of, and neither team was likely to make it much further up the ranks, but oy, ice dance, you are a fickle mistress. People are already speculating about Madison Chock and Paul Poirier skating together, but I don't think that would be an improvement for either of them. I could maybe see Madison skating with Travis Mager, if he could keep up with her.

5. Watchmen as a Saturday morning cartoon.

6. In conclusion, go sign up for femslash11!

star trek, skating, buffyverse, movies

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