Too quirky to lose.

May 30, 2011 00:50

For the next six weeks, I will be on hiatus from LJ because I'm damned busy. Happy! But busy. A big part of this is, I am making massive headway on a writing project that is not fanfic (in addition to massive headway on my dissertation).

Exceptions to this hiatus: stuff related to femslash11 and one handbasketnews newsletter per week. Occasional "still alive" posts. Maybe an update on my rewatch projects once in a while, since those are keeping me sane in between all the busy.

Season 7 of DS9 is such a painful slog that I've cheated and gotten most of the way through the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "The Siege of AK-47" is known to be a good episode from season 7, but its "war is hell" message seems played out and even naive after ten years of living in a country at war. I think Americans know what that episode is saying in a way that we maybe didn't in 1998? But that one looks like sheer television genius compared to the one where Dukat is a cult leader. It's like Criminal Minds in space with Dukat in the Luke Perry role.

Buffy, on the other hand, is genius right out of the gate, despite some cheeseball moments. It is discomfiting to be old enough to identify with Giles. It is discomfiting that Buffy, the character, has just turned 30. I am finding Xander super duper annoying, although I am assured that I am just forgetting that he gets better. The one with the ventriloquist's dummy still creeps me the fuck out.

See you in July, mostly!

star trek, buffyverse

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