Feb 12, 2011 20:12
I am home on a Saturday night, and I feel like throwing an internet party. So here goes.
We Make Our Own Fun:
A Current Skaters RPF Commentfic Meme
- By current skaters, I mean figure skaters who are competing this season. For each prompt, AT LEAST ONE of the skaters you request must be competing or have competed in the 2010-2011 figure skating season. No retired people, no "taking a year off," no "still looking for a pairs partner," no "freak Achilles tendon accident." Out with the old, in with your new favorite.
- m/m, f/f, m/f, threesomes and moresomes, and gen are all fine.
- Crossovers are welcome. At least one of the characters you request must be a current figure skater; the rest can be whoever you want.
- When you leave a prompt, it should be formatted as [Name/Name, prompt of six words or fewer]. Examples:
Takahiko Kozuka/Daisuke Takahashi, hair products
Meryl Davis/Alissa Czisny/Jeremy Abbott, sci-fi rock band AU
Stephane Lambiel/Florent Amodio, adorable tiny French-speaking divas
Adelina Sotnikova, junior Worlds
Mao Asada/Damon Salvatore, anything OMG please
- You can leave multiple prompts if you want. Each prompt should be in a separate comment.
- Anon commenting is turned on but optional. You can sign your prompts or fills if you want, or you can post them anonymously; it's all good.
- Fill a prompt by replying to the comment. If you want to make sure I notice it for the masterlist, put FILLED! in the subject line. If your fill is too long for one comment, number your parts and make each one a reply to the comment that the prompt is in.
- Have fun! Ryan Bradley's Ass really wants you to have fun.