This and That.

Oct 13, 2010 14:06

1. Yuletide noms are open! I have nommed. Om nom nom. Skating, Zombieland, and three ABC Family shows: MIOBI, Huge, and Greek. I will probably request f/f in everything but Zombieland. And get the Zombieland boyporn, because that is how fandom works, but I do really kind of want the Zombieland m/m anyway.

1a. It looks like yuletide will be the only Secret Santa challenge I sign up for this year. Apparently I'm not in any fandoms anymore? Oh, well, it's good for my dissertation.

2. Thanks for all the porn recs, you guys! Abby Winters is my new favorite website: it's, like, an entire site full of my type. For the first time in my life, I might find myself subscribing to porn. With all my extra money, heh.

3. Speaking of paying for porn, I have resubscribed to IceNetwork. The Universal Sports live feed of GymWorlds is, sadly, more than I can justify paying for. I will be DVRing that when it's broadcast and probably sharing my totally uneducated thoughts on gymnastics.

3a. Things that I am a mean person for not feeling sadder about: Tessa Virtue needing surgery again and sitting out the Grand Prix. Crazed Johnny Weir fans getting the cops called on them at his hotel in Youngstown. Rebecca Bross getting injured just before GymWorlds. The Pats getting rid of Randy Moss the same week that everyone in the world saw Brett Favre's penis. Looks like it's schadenfreude week in all my sports.

4. If I can get my act together, I will have porn for you later tonight. Handwritten in my notebook as usual, is the problem.

5. Yes, I am watching Top Chef Just Desserts, and no, I'm not on Team Yigit just because he's cute. Although his cuteness doesn't hurt or anything.

In conclusion, The Homosexual Menace.

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yuletiiiiiiide, skating

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