Libertines, effeminate sodomites, cross-dressers, and prostitutes. And fribbles.

Sep 12, 2010 17:21

1. I've finally uploaded some new icons. You'll see them over the next few days. Meryl in a red dress is my new Dreamwidth default.

Someday I will finish making a new mood theme that isn't full of 4-year-old pics of Kimmie Meissner.

2. The football season has begun! Last year's Death Semester prevented me from following my beloved Pats (I mean, it was that or the skating, and skating wins), but I hope I'll have more Sunday afternoons free for the Tom Brady & Wes Welker show.

Today's game reminded me that sports like football rely just as much on judging as the Finer Sports do. For the Pats' second touchdown, Welker caught a short pass just within the end zone; it took several minutes for the referees to confer and confirm that his feet and the ball were both on the right side of the line. After that, the Bengals challenged the call, and another five or ten minutes of deliberation proceeded. That judging decision resulted in seven points for the Pats. I agree with the refs, obviously - it looked like a touchdown to me, watching on TV - but the ambiguity was definitely there.
There was another passing play in the third quarter, a beautiful catch by Crumpler for what should have been a 15-yard gain. But another player got called for holding, and the Pats got sent back 10 yards. So by no direct fault of the passer or receiver, the refs penalized the team; the penalty took away the Pats' first down and prevented them from getting anywhere near scoring on that drive. I didn't see the holding incident, and it wasn't clearly replayed, but again - the judges made a decision, and that decision affected the Pats' final score for the game.

The figure skating Code of Points is rococo and unclear, and lots of individual judges are corrupt, but this is why I roll my eyes when fans complain about it like that's special.

Oops. This was supposed to be a post about football. Love the new hair, Tom Brady! Glad to see the Bears pull out a first-week win, too.

2. In further I-am-kind-of-a-dude-right-now news, I watched Zombieland yesterday, and it has been a long time since I loved a movie so much. It's ironic and meta without being parody, and it preserves the scary/gross/tense dynamic of a good horror movie while simultaneously being hilarious. It even passes the Bechdel Test. I want to purchase it and write academic articles about it and request Columbus/Tallahassee slash for yuletide.

The other two best movies I saw this summer were I Love You, Man and Away We Go. Feel free to draw your own conclusions about my psyche.

3. I can't embed or even hotlink because it's paywalled, but if you have an IceNetwork account, go watch Jeremy Abbott's interview from Champs Camp. Do it to see his adorable hat, or do it for halfway through when, in the sweetest little voice, he makes a totally bitchpants dig at Johnny and Evan.

4. (or possibly 3a?) The second JGP event was this weekend, and sadly nothing is up on YouTube yet except for Tuktamisheva's clunky and error-ridden FS. I'd say the girl skates like a linebacker, but that's an insult to the natural grace and elegance of Jerod Mayo.

In other words, everything I am excited about, I cannot see yet: the new Frank-Carroll-ified Kristiene Gong's silver-medal performance; the debut bronze for emotive Japanese late bloomer Kokubun Shion; the surprise ice dance bronze for perky US workhorses Bonacorsi & Mager; and especially the ass-kicking and name-taking by my elegant Russian darlings, Monko & Khaliavin. I'm also pleased to see the American boys go 1-2, although Messing and Farris are not my favorites. Farris reminds me of Evan Lysacek's boy wonder days in a good way, but he's starting to take on that Broadmoor sack-of-bricks look. Come on, people, put things on the internet for meeeeee!

5. In conclusion, Florent Amodio.

Lots more here.

football, skating, movies

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