I'm the banana king!

May 12, 2010 23:21

By popular demand, your Daily Unicorn has its own Tumblr now. There's a bunch of stuff up there already, and a bunch more stuff queued. You guys have gotten me searching for ironic unicorns all over the internet, and I kind of hate you all for that. But in a good way.

I'll still post unicorns here, especially ones that aren't conducive to Tumblr or require further commentary. Such as this classic James Thurber cartoon, which I don't think I'd ever seen before I started toodling around YouTube looking for unicorns. It rings kind of misogynist now, but it gets a pass for being from 1953 and having its heart in the right place.

image Click to view

Today's skating gossip, from the boards of no return:
- Navarro and Bommentre have officially retired, as they said they were going to, reducing the Lite Rock quotient of ice dance by 75%.
- Oksana Domnina has semi-officially retired as well, reducing the blondorexia quotient of ice dance by 300%.
- Tomas Verner has been coach shopping in North America: he says he's going to Toronto, Detroit, and Jersey, which means Orser, Sato, and Zmievskaya. Can you imagine Jeremy Abbott, Alissa Czisny, and Tomas all working with Yuka Sato? They could hire Dr. Drew and call it Headcase Rehab.
- USFSA Champs Camp will be in August rather than June this year and will be for Grand-Prix-qualifying senior-level skaters only. Is it wrong of me to guess that there was so much drinking and partying in past years that they're attempting to tone it down?

And in non-gossip, I bought tickets to Nationals today! They'll be my first Nats. Eight months away, and I can't wait.

I'll be away from the elljays and the deedubs for about a week for RL purposes. Keep the wank to a minimum, and enjoy the unicorns.


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