This is basically just picspam and YouTubeSpam, because I have two weeks of "for LJ later" in my pictures folder. It's all figure skaters except for
this interview with Christian Siriano, which I cannot embed but you should click on, because it literally made my friend's crappy day worthwhile yesterday.
Most of these pictures are from Twitter, Stars on Ice, and official Facebook things, so none are Top Secret as far as I know. Some are already floating around LJ; others are not. Sometimes I will have witty captions, sometimes not.
Dai-chan and Taka watching Miki Ando's FS at Worlds. You can write me my slash now, guys. Linking rather than embedding because it's in Japanese and boring otherwise:
an interview in which Mao actually refers to Daisuke as "Dai-chan," which in Japanese is roughly equivalent to when I refer to Johnny as Ms. Weir.
Click to view
Mirai is cute.
As is Ryan Bradley.
Jeremy and Meryl on their way to prom. Their words, not mine. I don't know what's up with the increasingly shippy subtext of JerMer - can't tell if it's a calculated move (in which case, ugh) or if Jeremy is just clueless and filter-free as usual.
Just to prove I'm not a hater: I think this picture is adorable.
Actual filename for this one: Marlie Jeremy SOI waiting hotly.jpg.
I am shocked that nobody has made the "Meryl had a little lamb" joke yet.
Also hot.
Why does he have a necklace made of bagels?
More skaters forced to pose with food.
Quieting those JerMer rumors. And giving me ideas for tour bus PWP, actually. Get your mind out of the gutter - it would be Jeremy/Charlie or Tanith/Charlie.
Jeremy Abbott is not the only man in town with a harem of fruitflies.
...Or a hot European boyfriend, for that matter.
My favorite of the pictures of Johnny at the Harlem benefit. He looks like a parody of himself in most of them, but this pose is so diva-goofy it looks like he's making himself laugh.
And we end with a visual tribute to Ben Agosto and his biceps, who actually have a good haircut for once.