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One thing about Chan, besides being overscored (which I expected and was sad to see that it discounted other skaters like Oda), the press are being complete jerks about his placement. All the newscasters and headlines are saying, "A Disappointing Night for Patrick Chan." Dudes, it's his first Olympics. He's 19. He didn't really compete all season. HE STILL GOT FIFTH, just look at Brian Joubert's placement, god. Canadian Press= the Asian parents of the world.
This is the funniest thing I've ever read. *g*
Oh, Skate Canada, did we really expect anything less? After all that money they spent getting him onto the podium (and I'm not implying corruption here, so much as the cash they poured into his training and PR) and he still choked.
Much more of an effect on Canadians, who were fed constant propaganda about how Canadian skaters were going to medal in all four disciplines. So far, they're 0/4, and ladies' is a long shot.
It is so cute and awesome that the Japanese boys are gaining so many fans. They deserve it.
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