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Comments 58
One very valid criticism of the CoP is that the five components of the PCS are not rigorously defined. It has been strongly implied that the ISU plans to unvague that in time for the next Olympics.
Jeremy makes the awesomest faces.
You can totally reblog me if you wanna, just don't put my real name on it.
Well, yeah, because he's Kris Allen.
I'm sorry, that was like so totally not the point of this very cool post, but I had to say it. I was compelled by some invisible force.
I think they'd get along, though, at least long enough to have a fashion-related conversation. Both are reported to be pretty nice people underneath all the hair product and feathers.
That's exactly it. Weir's performance was beautiful and stirred the emotions. It was excellent art. But Takahashi put forth the better competitive performance.
Plushenko is one of the sorest losers I've seen in any sport. Everyone outside of Russia seems to be appalled. I think Lysacek actually summed it up best (and I'm paraphrasing): if this were a jumping competition, the judges would give you 20 seconds to go out there and do your best jump. The fact that they give you 4:40 means they're looking for something beyond that.
How have you and I not talked olympics yet?
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