If you think I'm behind on this, let me show you my bookshelves.

Nov 18, 2009 16:36

Dear amazing brilliant fabulous yuletide writer,

I am finally getting a break from grading papers and attending major international figure skating competitions and getting around to writing you a note. I'm sorry for the delay, especially if you've been waiting to see a letter from me before starting to write.

You have probably noticed that all of my requests this year are for reality TV RPF. This is because for the past several years, I have made 3 reality RPF requests and one request for some other thing, and I always seem to get the other thing. I was always excited about the other thing, because I really really wanted that too. But this year I am putting all my eggs in one basket. I realized after the fact that this means you actually have a better than average chance of being able to write in more than one of my fandoms, since reality TV is like potato chips in just about every relevant way. So that's a bonus, I hope.

I don't have much to say about my specific requests beyond what the requests say. I want to leave some leeway in the prompts - some creativity wiggle room - and really, in all cases, I'm flexible as to plot and setting and all that stuff. For the record, and on the extremely remote chance that someone wants to write me a pinch hit, I have asked for Project Runway RPF: Tim Gunn/anyone from season 2 or really anyone; So You Think You Can Dance RPF: Kupono Aweau/Evan Kasprzak or just something Kupono-related; Tool Academy RPF: pretty much any of the girlfriends in the top 6, the one where the girlfriends give up on their tools and get it on with each other; and Top Chef RPF: Ashley Merriman/Jennifer Carroll or fic about the female contestants in general.

My one very hard and fast request is, please, please focus on the characters I asked for, and don't throw in other characters even if they're your most favoritest ever, and don't include any pairings I didn't ask for. In every single case, I have asked for my very favorite characters and non-sekrit OTPs.

That said, I totally understand if my pairings are not your pairings and things go in a genfic direction. I love stories about friendship and would not be let down by that at all. Fandom doesn't have enough of them, and I'd love to see more of that in the world.

On the other hand, if you can write me hot porn, I would love some hot porn, please.

No babies, no little kids, no pregnancy. This is very nearly a bulletproof squick.

Curtainfic and PWP are not really my cup of tea. I don't need a lot of plot, but there should be some kind of narrative arc there. My sense of humor tends to be on the dry side, and I tend to prefer sarcasm to crazy madcap shenanigans.

I love unusual structures and stories that play with POV and tense.

I will probably be happiest with a story set in the characters' own universe, although I would get some cracky glee out of Tim Gunn tentacle porn.

I am a cranky, grinchy Jewish atheist, and therefore, I would prefer not to receive fic with a strong holiday theme. No, not even Chanukah-themed.

Do not like: high school and rock band AUs, zombies, Bruce Springsteen, non-con, rigid gender roles, "five things" stories, faux-clever cameos from other fandoms, Evan Lysacek.

Do like: magic in normally realistic/RPF fandoms, pirates, R.E.M., sex toys, genderplay, road trips, ambiguity, Muppets.

But the most important thing is, I'll be incredibly excited about and grateful for whatever you write for me. Thank you so much.

Much love,


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