If you have gills, you can breathe iced tea, but not hot tea.

Oct 21, 2008 20:14

Since we all seem to be sharing, my nominations for yuletide are Death Proof, Privileged, RPF - Big Brother US, RPF - Figure Skating, RPF - Olympic Diving, and RPF - Shear Genius. Gold star if you see a pattern! It is a point of pride that three of the six were brand new additions to the fandom list.

In other news, it has come to my attention that Ben Agosto has grown out his hair again. And might have a new dog. And Natalia Linichuk agrees with me that he's the hot one.

Gossip Girl was not the greatest this week, but I love how every week there is even more Chuck/Dan/Nate. I especially love the show's half-assed attempts to paint said love triangle as platonic. Best of all, DAN HAS A DOLL. THAT HE USED TO BATHE.

gossip girl, skating

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