If Shakespeare said it, it must be true.

Feb 08, 2008 15:01

I have changed my LJ layout for the first time in ages. Like, I'm pretty sure I didn't live here yet, the last time. Nothing special, built-in layout with a few tweaks, but I saw the phallic icicle and I was like, METAPHOR.

Just for fun, note which tag is the biggest in the tag cloud.

I have accomplished all my major RL writing tasks for the day (except for the one that is hanging over my head like an elephant in a hot air balloon, but that is big and the balloon is strong, I swear), so here's a little meme from voleuse:

Five Things ______ Doesn't Know About _______

Name two characters, and I will write a list or a ficlet or something that straddles the list/ficlet line. Y'all know my fandoms, and as always I am more likely to write the things I feel like writing.

ficlet offers, memes

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