fandom meme

Jun 05, 2003 11:45

1. What was the very first fandom you got involved in?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

2. What is the most recent fandom to catch your interest?
Does Judging Amy count as a fandom? It seems to be a fandom of one, population me. Anyway, I've been enjoying a lot of the new X-Men 2 stories.

3. Fandom you've stayed loyal to the longest?

4. Fandom(s) you're most passionate about?

5. Fandom(s) you wish you could get into, but can't?
LoTR. I know and love the canon, but I almost never like the fic.

6. Fandoms you're curious about, but never had the chance to get into?
Distraction has piqued my interest in Xena fandom, but it's so big and so separate from most fandoms.

7. Fandom that's been the most fun to be involved in?
Farscape. Everyone's so friendly, and most of them can spell. I'll be editing and posting that Pilot story soon, I promise.

8. Fandom that's been the least fun to be involved in.
BtVS/AtS. Too much frigging drama. I like a number of the people I've met through it, though.

9. Fandom you're ashamed to admit you were involved in?
I'm still apologizing for that Sweet Home Alabama story.

10. Are you looking for a new fandom, or actively avoiding getting sucked into something new?
I like the ones I've got just fine, thanks, although plum_evil's quotation challenge may have me writing my first full-fledged TWW fic.


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