*is a fangirl*

May 16, 2008 01:19

I just knew that Ruby was going to be Lilith at some point in this episode. Man, Katie Cassidy REALLY stepped up her acting on this one. She was great as Lilith. Way to bring that out of her, Kim Manners (because I really do believe that it was all Kim's doing).

The singing in the car was beautiful and perfect, of course! It was slightly ruined by the fact that in the middle of it my roommate said, "That's soooo lame! Who does that?" Um, I do? And Sam and Dean do?

I'm surprised that I wasn't more emotionally attached at the end of the episode. Sam's screaming while Dean was being ripped apart, Dean yelling for Sam, and the meat hooks *shudders* were intense and rattled me like crazy, but I was really expecting to bawl. And I didn't. *shrugs* I still enjoyed it.

Anyone else worried that Bobby was taken out by that white blast?

Sam's powers need to come back next season. He needs to storm into hell and get Dean out.

Kripke/Manners 4LYF!

My stomach is still all woobily. (Yes, woobily. It's totally a word.) I never ate dinner tonight, so I should probably eat something, but I fell like it would make me sick to eat. I need to watch The Office to clear my head of the meat hooks and the intensity of that whole thing.

Oh, here's something: I accidentally read a "spoiler" on Wikipedia a few weeks ago that said "Sam tells Ruby he loves her and, after spending the night together, she tells him how to save Dean." I about flipped after reading that, and then proceeded to tell myself over and over that it's Wikipedia and it was probably not true. Thank God it wasn't. If Sam had slept with Ruby I would have cried.

I haven't posted about The Office in a long time!

I loved this episode. The Jim and Pam stuff was great, even the minor angst at the end.


Holly is fantastic, and I can't wait to see how she and Michael interact next season. The way she treats Kevin is hilariously awkward.
Interesting stuff with Ryan. "The biggest crime was the beard." Amen, Oscar! You said what we were all thinking. It'll be interesting to see how they play that out next season. Anyone think Jim will go for his job in New York and be with Pam at design school? It would be a thought, but I don't think they would ever try to take Jim and Pam out of Scranton for good.

Good-bye, Toby! I'll miss you!

Um, guess what I did all afternoon. I co-coordinated the efforts of the members of davidcookai7 to send David Cook a gift basket of flowers and crossword puzzle books before next week's finale. I called a florist in Hollywood to see how we could get a gift basket to him. Unfortunately, the guy never called me back, though he said he would, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to figure out everything and make all the plans. But we have quite a bit of money to put toward this, so I'm really excited. We're all writing notes to David, too, and we're going to include that with the gift basket. I'm soooooo excited. I've never, ever done anything like this before, and being able to call places and try to set this up with my fellow comm members is just awesome and fun and so exciting. Is there anyway I can be a professional fangirl? 'Cause I totally would.
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