Remember a couple weeks ago when I was having issues breathing? They went away before I had a chance to go to student health, so I never went to the doctor. Well, the issues were coming back off and on the last couple days, and on top of that I've been exhausted (though that is most likely unrelated, since I've been getting less sleep than I'm used to getting). So I went in to Student Health today.
Long story short, I might have a mild case of asthma. The nurse practitioner did a breathing test on me, and (now, I'm not sure what these numbers mean... I just know the numbers) my breathing was around 400-425. Normal breathing for women my age and height is 480-490 +/- 85. So I'm still technically in the normal range, but on the VERY low end. I was given an inhaler to try out for two weeks, then I'm going in for a follow up exam to retest my breathing and see if it's helping. If so, then I guess it means I do have asthma. If it's not helping... well, then I don't know what I have. But I figured some of ya'll would want to know, so that's my story.
Don't worry about me, though. I feel fine except the occasional shortness of breath, which will now hopefully be under control.
And now...
Meme ganked from
chasingtides, who, by the way, has a totally awesome LJ name.
So I was adding some new interests to my LJ profile and found myself feeling defensive every time I typed a female name, thinking, basically, FUCK YOU, SHE'S AWESOME, because I felt as if someone somewhere was going to be criticizing my love for them.
So, anyway, then I made a list of women who make me want to say FUCK YOU, SHE'S AWESOME. They are far from the only women who are awesome, or the only women people need to be told to step off of, but they are the top ten I feel that way about, right now, off the top of my head.
If you want to argue with me about the awesomeness of any of these women, I am afraid I will simply be referring you to the subject line. THAT IS ALL.
So here are my top ten women, mostly from fiction, but some from history (in no particular order):
Hepzibah Pyncheon from The House of the Seven Gables
Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
Alice Longbottom from the Harry Potter books (There are a lot of other kick-ass women from these books, but Alice is my favorite.)
Maria von Trapp from The Sound of Music
Mulan from Mulan
Esther from The Old Testament/The Torah (Whether you believe that her story is truth or fiction, you can't deny she's amazing.)
Temperance "Bones" Brennen from Bones
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles from Pushing Daises (You may not think so at first glance, but if you think about the way she leads her life, she totally does.)
Ana Pascal from Stranger than Fiction
Emma Thompson