It was a weird combination of a bunch of fandoms.
And it was awesome.
There was a huge group of us making a road trip/keeping away from the cops (Sam and Dean Winchester, anyone?). We were all post-Hogwarts wizards. The group included everyone from The Remus Lupins, including Brandon, Sam Winchester from Supernatural,
severity_softly, and Jim Halpert from The Office. I think Dwight from The Office was in there too at one point, but we didn't want him to come with us.
On our road trip thing, we had multiple vehicles and we kept switching the passengers around so that the cops would have a harder time keeping track of us. No, I don't know why we were running away. I remember at one point being in a big semi truck with this older guy driving. We met up with everyone else at an In-N-Out, and got a bunch of food before heading out again. At that point, I was in one of those huge vans (it was green, I remember) with Sam, Jim, and Alex, along with a bunch of random people. I was seriously in heaven with those three in the same place I was in.
Hmm... I don't remember how we got to this part, but later I was in a car with some guy and we were in a restaurant parking lot. The cops came up behind us and told us they had caught us speeding on the road earlier. When the cop went back to his car to check the driver's ID and all that, the driver started panicking, thinking we'd been caught for sure. I told him to calm down - these were Muggle cops and they wouldn't find us in their system. Plus, our IDs were fake. But when the cop came back toward the car, the guy really did panic and drove off saying, "If we can get on the Hollywood freeway the traffic will be so crazy they won't catch us!" I did actually drive on the Hollywood freeway yesterday, so that's where that came from, I think.
After that, I remember meeting up with everyone again at another fast food place, and I ended up eating and talking with Sam Winchester. I was giddy inside. Then, suddenly, someone screamed, "IT'S ON FIRE!" We looked out the window, and a white car that was indeed on fire was careening toward us. Sam took my hand and ran outside with me. There just happened to be a lake right outside the fast food place, so he said, "Hold onto me and hold your breath" then dove in the lake, with me clinging to him. Just as we went under, the car hit the building and everything exploded. I remember looking up through the water and seeing the flames above us. Yes, my dreams, when I remember them, tend to be VERY vivid.
When the flames went out, Sam and I resurfaced (I remember all the details about swimming up, too, but I'll spare you) and looked around for the rest of our people. Almost all of them had made it out unscathed. I think Jim may have died, though, because I didn't see him for the rest of the dream. *sad* That night, Sam and I were sitting together, still a bit damp, around campfire. There was this silver box thing next to us. I'm not sure sure why it was there, but when you touched it, it lit up with words and shapes and stuff. The color of the words was the color of your aura or whatever. As Sam and I talked, he mentioned that the box showed him his aura was silver, and he touched the box to prove it. A bunch of silver hand prints and the word silver showed up. He also said that he knew that silver auras needed to be with blue auras. I said that I didn't know what my aura color was, so he encouraged me to touch the box. My aura was blue. We smiled at each other, and then the box lit up the words "I love you much." I think we kissed or something.
The next day, The Remus Lupins loaded into the semi truck,
severity_softly got into the driver's seat of the green van, and everyone else took the cars. Sam and I got into the van with S_S and fell asleep in each other's arms.
ETA: Also, expect a HUGE picture/video post of the two The Remus Lupins shows I went to this week. I'm uploading a TON of videos onto YouTube as we speak, some from the shows, some from Prophecy. I'll probably link all the Prophecy videos in another post, maybe one tomorrow so I don't kill your f-lists.