The Stars In The Sky Illuminate Below

May 25, 2009 14:26

Haha so I woke up today around 8am or something like that, and immediately jumped on the Playstation to look for more fragments/butterflies on Xi. Todd found me first, and we started to play this poker game to get bracelets and watches....and I got that damn Pokerface song stuck in my head. LOL!! After that, we did a maze for a new frag, which was wayyyy fun.  We also did some game snatching, woo woo. I've been on there all day long....and Todd had been up all night playing around on there lol Learning little secrets about it and such.

The dream I was having BEFORE I woke up consisted of my house having a bunch of rats, and them not being pet rats lol They made a hole in one of the baseboards and began multiplying. When I found them, they had 3 generations....all different colors, too. So I put on this huge glove and started pulling them out and selling them to a pet store. Yeah, I don't even know lol

Nothing else happening today, really. Just took a shower a little while ago, playin lots of music, Found out last night that GOOT is playing at Bulldog Cafe in July, which I will be attending....Between The Trees and What Happened In Vegas will also be there. Amazing!! :-) Texting back and forth with Brandon, who is at work for the first day in a couple weeks lol.  The weather has been overcast, this morning the humidity was up to 89%...and it was only 70 degrees lol SOOO disgusting!

Next weekend in the dog show, so Ill be there on Saturday. Undecided about going to Dog Days at the one I know is going, so I probably won't either....I want to see UP!, but would probably like it more in the theater. :-) Me and Quentin will be hanging out from about 9a until 2 or 3 in the afternoon at the dog show already...whew!

All I know is that I an't believe it is almost June....soon it will be July....then August...and I'll be relaxing on the beach in Florida! haha
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