I was bored, so I told J & L I'd play...
1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
seimaisin gave me
Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Gareth David-Lloyd... which was actually much more difficult than you'd think.
Marry: Christopher Eccleston. I can't explain what those eyes do to me. And if ever there was a neck that was made for licking, that's it. He's not a classic "hunk", but I don't care. I want my very own.
Shag: Gareth David-Lloyd. Mainly 'cause I think he'd be one hell of a ride. I've heard tales of the raunchy side that shows through at conventions. ;)
Cliff: David Tennant. Sorry... it's a tough call... but I honestly think I'd be too exhausted just trying to keep up with him, so he gets the cliff. We can get a good snog in before you go, though...
and then
leighblack gave me
Sean McCann, James Marsters, and Jensen Ackles.
Marry: James Marsters. Yes, please. He's gorgeous, he plays guitar and sings, he can fake a British accent, and by all accounts, he's a genuinely nice guy.
Shag: Jensen Ackles. Mmmm... Just *look* at those eyes. And those arms. And that *ahem*... yeah.
Cliff: Sean McCann. Not that I don't like Sean, 'cause I do... he just doesn't do all that much for me, and he doesn't seem to enjoy himself on stage as much as most of my other musician obsessions. I do hope he continues to Twitter as he falls over the cliff, though, 'cause he does make me laugh. :)
(That one would have been much more difficult if you'd gven me Alan instead of Sean. ;) )
You know this is all in good fun, right,
wolfbrotherjoe? :)